How to Get Involved

I've joined, but how do I get more involved?
GAE is a member driven organization, so we rely on the engagement and activity of our members. Here are a few ways that you can begin to get involved in all levels of our organization!
Get Involved Locally
If you want to see a change, you have to start locally. Each school district and college campus has their own association, such as the Gwinnett County Association of Educators, with executive boards made up of locally elected educators. These locals meet monthly and take on grassroots organizing efforts.
Attending local monthly meetings, showing up to school board meetings, and having conversations in your building about joining and organizing are all excellent ways to get involved. We can't have strong locals without strong buildings, so stepping up to be an Association Representative (AR), is a great way to get your building organized. As an AR, you would work on having one-on-one conversations with potential members in your building (your colleagues), pass on information from local and state leadership team to the members in your building, and inform leadership what the members in your building think and need. If your building already has an AR, work with them on power mapping to create positive changes you want to see.
For information on getting more involved, or if you are experiencing an issue, contact your local UniServ Director.
Get Involved at the State Level
Outside of the local, GAE is also very active at the state level as we push for the betterment of public education. GAE hosts several state-wide conferences and events that you can take part in to develop yourself as a leader, a member, and an education activist.
GAE Leadership Development Academy
Every summer at the beginning of June, we host a three-day leadership development conference to train the next generation of leaders within our association, and we would love for you to attend our next one! These sessions focus on leadership and organizing skills, as well as sessions on the state of public education in Georgia to inform your activism.
GAE Board of Directors
GAE has a powerful governing body referred to as the Board of Directors. This group consists of representatives, or board members, from each membership category and region of the state. The Board oversees the efforts of GAE and collaborates with Staff and State Leadership to set and carry out our goals throughout the state each year. These are all member-elected seats that you can step up and run for as a member!
GAE Representative Assembly
Each year member representatives come from every part of the state to be a part of the largest democratically-operated body in the state, the GAE Representative Assembly. Here we elect our state leadership team, make changes to our constitution and bylaws, and decide what our focus will be for the upcoming year as we unite, empower, and organize! Any member can run to attend this event and ensure that their voice is represented as we orchestrate and plan for change.
GAE Day at the Capitol
Every year in February we send hundreds of members to the capitol for an event that we call "GAE Day at the Capitol." We spend the day advocating for our profession, our students, and ourselves. Come out, meet your legislators, and ensure your voice is heard!
For information on getting more involved, or if you are experiencing an issue, contact your local UniServ Director.
Get Involved Nationally
Georgia isn't the only state to have a large organization advocating for educators, in fact we are a part of a National Association made up of members like you from around the country! The National Education Association (NEA) is run very similarly to our various state affiliates, and they provide a plethora of opportunities for you to get involved.
NEA Board of Directors
Much like GAE, NEA has a powerful governing body referred to as the Board of Directors. This group consists of representatives, or board members, from each membership category and state. This group oversees the efforts of NEA and collaborates with Staff and National Leadership to initiate and enact change at the federal level each year. These are all elected seats that you can step up and run for as a member!
NEA Representative Assembly
Each year member representatives come from every state to be a part of the largest democratically operated body in the country, the NEA Representative Assembly (NEA RA). Much like our own RA, at the NEA RA we elect our national leadership team, make changes to our constitution and bylaws, and decide what our focus will be for the upcoming year as we unite, empower, and organize! Any member can run to attend this event and ensure that their voice is represented as we orchestrate and plan for change.
For information on getting more involved, or if you are experiencing an issue, contact your local UniServ Director.

I’m very passionate about what I do. The Association believed in me by investing in our shared future. And the more I became involved, the more I wanted to do more.