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NEA Microcredentials

Micro-credentials are a digital form of certification indicating demonstrated competency or mastery in a specific skill or set of skills. To earn micro-credentials, educators identify competencies they want to master and complete the requirements to earn them. These are free to GAE members.

Definition of Micro-credentials

Micro-credentials are a competency-based digital form of certification. They can be issued for formal and informal professional learning experiences that support educators developing skills and acquiring knowledge to improve professional practice that supports student success. Educators identify a competency they want to develop, submit evidence that they have mastered the competency, and receive a digital badge once the evidence is approved. Micro-credentials can be developed by non-profit and for profit entities or developed by educators. Where the association is the exclusive bargaining representative, the terms and conditions for a micro-credential program should be negotiated.


We Are the Georgia Association of Educators

The Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) is Georgia's preeminent professional association for public school employees. We are a member-led organization supporting students and educators in Georgia's public schools through grassroots organizing, legislative advocacy, and legal action.