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Millions In School Rescue Funds Unspent as Deadlines Approach

Georgia received over $4 billion in school rescue funds from the American Rescue Plan. These funds can be used by school districts to improve infrastructure, purchase supplies, and fund programming to help students and staff recover from the impacts of the pandemic. Now, with the deadline to spend these funds quickly approaching this September, many school districts still have millions of dollars left unspent. It is important that school districts make use of this money to the fullest extent.

American Rescue Plan Update

At the recent GAE Representative Assembly, there was some interest in the Georgia Department of Education’s transparency dashboard for federal pandemic relief funding, including ESSER funding from the American Rescue Plan. Click here to access the dashboard. On this dashboard, you can filter by school system and funding source in order to see what percentage of funds particular school systems have “received,” meaning the funds have been disbursed to the school district to be spent. If you have any questions about American Rescue Plan ESSER funding, or are concerned about the percentage of funds your system has received, please reach out to Wyck Kinkade, GAE’s American Rescue Plan Coordinator, at [email protected]

Click here for KNOW magazine article on the issue.


We Are the Georgia Association of Educators

The Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) is Georgia's preeminent professional association for public school employees. We are a member-led organization supporting students and educators in Georgia's public schools through grassroots organizing, legislative advocacy, and legal action.