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Retired and Pre-Retired Members

Retired members are those who have retired from a job in a public school system but still want to advocate for the profession, schools, and themselves.
Retired leaders posing for a picture

Whether you will soon retire from your career in education or have just recently retired, your experience is valued as a member of GAE-Retired and NEA-Retired, the only state and national organizations officially associated with GAE and NEA respectively.  GAE-Retired and NEA-Retired are the places for you to stay involved in education and gain important benefits whether you taught in the classroom or provided critical support services.

We are GAE/NEA members, and we’re concerned about our future. Increasing numbers of American educational employees will soon retire. We are affected by the rising costs of health care, threats to Social Security and Medicare, increasing utility costs, and changes in tax rates and fair housing practices. Membership in a vital, democratic organization is crucial to advancing our concerns and continuing our involvement in the political debates that shape educational and social policy.

The National Education Association is your advocate for the rights of all educational employees, Active and Retired. GAE-Retired and NEA-Retired members are eligible to become active participants in GAE's and NEA’s political and legislative activities.

Your skills as an experienced professional are crucial to the ongoing lobbying efforts of both GAE and NEA to protect critical programs such as Social Security and to promote quality public education.

Continuing membership in the GAE-Retired and NEA-Retired organizations keeps you informed and as involved as you decide to be.

GAE-Retired Membership Information

GAE-Pre-Retired Membership Information

GAE-Retired Information

Your 2024-2025 GAE-Retired Executive Committee

Executive Officers
President  Patrick Crabtree [email protected]
Vice-President  Toni Smith  [email protected]
Treasurer Dan Powers [email protected]
Secretary Karen Solheim [email protected]

GAE-Retired Directors
Brenda Montgomery  [email protected]
Sandra Hawthorne  [email protected]
Vivian Brooks [email protected]

At-Large Members
PR/Communications Chair Beverly Rice [email protected]
Constitution and Bylaws Chair Cheryl Sarvis   [email protected] 
Legislative Committee Chair  Vivian Brooks [email protected]

Staff Liaison
Dr. Felicia Lee [email protected] 


Teachers Retirement System (TRS)

Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution

Government Pension Offset / Windfall Elimination Provision (GPO/WEP)

Helpful Links



Angela Tucker-Holmes
I’m very passionate about what I do. The Association believed in me by investing in our shared future. And the more I became involved, the more I wanted to do more.
Quote by: Angela Tucker-Holmes, Skill Trade Supervisor

We Are the Georgia Association of Educators

The Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) is Georgia's preeminent professional association for public school employees. We are a member-led organization supporting students and educators in Georgia's public schools through grassroots organizing, legislative advocacy, and legal action.